Innovative Uses of Bioplastics in Diverse Industries

October 10, 2024

John Henigin
Technical Service and Applications Development Engineer, Mitsubishi Chemical

As we strive for a more sustainable future, bioplastics is emerging as a promising option. Made from renewable resources like corn starch, sugarcane, and algae, bioplastics are stepping into the spotlight as eco-friendly materials. Here’s how they’re making their mark in the packaging, agriculture, automotive, and healthcare sectors. 

Packaging: Environmentally-Friendly Choices 

The shift to bioplastics in the packaging sector is gaining traction, with industry giants like Coca-Cola and Danone leading the charge. For instance, Coca-Cola’s PlantBottle™, incorporating up to 30% plant-based materials, significantly reduces reliance on fossil fuels. Packaging remains the largest field of application for bioplastics with almost 47 percent (0.99 million tonnes) of the total bioplastics market in 2020. These changes not only help reduce plastic waste but also cater to consumers who are increasingly seeking sustainable options. 

Agriculture: Reaping Benefits 

Bioplastics is proving to be a game changer in agriculture. Biodegradable mulch films made of polylactic acid (PLA) and polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are revolutionizing farming practices, improving soil quality, and reducing plastic waste. These films break down naturally, eliminating the need for costly removal and disposal. For example, BioAgri’s biodegradable mulch films are widely used across Europe. 

Automotive: Driving Sustainability 

The automotive industry also embraces bioplastics, using these materials to produce lighter, more eco-friendly parts. For instance, Ford utilizes soybean-based polyurethane foam in car seats, which could reduce petroleum use by more than 600 million pounds annually. Mazda has developed a bioplastic made from a blend of polylactic acid and an additive used for interior trims and exterior panels. This makes the cars lighter and enhances their aesthetic appeal and durability, signaling a promising future for sustainable transportation. 

Healthcare: Healing with Green Materials 

Bioplastics are making inroads into healthcare as well. Materials like PLA and PHA are used in medical devices and drug delivery systems. They’re ideal for creating biodegradable sutures, drug capsules, and implants. For example, Tepha Inc. has developed PHA-based surgical meshes and sutures that the body absorbs over time, reducing the need for additional surgeries and improving patient recovery outcomes. This not only makes medical devices safer but also helps in reducing medical waste. 

The Bigger Picture 

The market for bioplastics is growing rapidly. Grand View Research reports that the global bioplastics market was valued at USD 11,610.5 million in 2022 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.8% from 2023 to 2030. This surge is fueled by the widespread application of bioplastics across various industries, reinforced by government policies and heightened consumer awareness about sustainability. 

What’s Next? 

Bioplastics are here to stay, and their innovative applications across packaging, agriculture, automotive, and healthcare highlight their versatile potential. Real-world examples and solid data illustrate the significant environmental and economic benefits these materials offer. Bioplastics will undoubtedly be crucial in our journey toward a more sustainable and greener future as technological advancements continue.