

ICYMI: RealClearMarkets Features Op-ed by PLASTICS’ Dr. Perc Pineda
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ICYMI: PLASTICS President & CEO Matt Seaholm’s Letter to the Editor, The Washington Post

Washington D.C.— The Washington Post has published a letter to the editor written by Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) President and CEO, Matt Seaholm, in response to an editorial on plastic recycling.

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Plastics Industry Association Submits Comments, Disappointed with EPA Draft Strategy on Plastic Pollution
Plastics Industry Association
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NPE2024: The Plastics Show: Open Call for Speakers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) announced its call for speakers for NPE2024: The Plastics Show, the global platform for innovation in plastics to be held May 6-10, 2024 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Organizations that wish to submit…

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Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) Applauds R&D and Bonus Depreciation Provisions in House Ways and Means Growth Package, Urges Passage

Washington D.C.—The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) applauds Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO) for introducing H.R. 3938, the Build It in America Act, as part of the House Ways and Means growth package and urges the inclusion and passage of key provisions that will positively impact the plastics…

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ICYMI: PLASTICS President & CEO Matt Seaholm Op-ed in RealClearEnergy

Washington D.C.— RealClearEnergy has featured an op-ed written by Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) President and CEO, Matt Seaholm, on the UNEA’s global plastic discussions. The editorial piece lays out the case for plastics as a valuable resource that needs to be kept out of the…

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