

PLASTICS Applauds Introduction of Bipartisan Recycling Legislation

WASHINGTON – Tony Radoszewski, President & CEO of the Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) issued the following statement in support of the bipartisan Plastic Waste Reduction and Recycling Act introduced today by Representatives Haley Stevens (D-MI) and Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH). The bill…

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In Case You Missed It: Michigan Ends Requirement for Jam Bars on Horizontal Presses

Originally published in Plastics Machinery Magazine Michigan ends requirement for jam bars on horizontal presses PLASTICS and engaged membership helped achieve rule change success. The Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) recently updated its rules to end the requirement…

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In Case You Missed It: Tony Radoszewski Publishes Earth Day Article in PLASTICS TODAY

Originally Published by Plastics Today PLASTICS: ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY BEFORE THERE WAS EARTH DAY By Tony Radoszewski, President and CEO, Plastics Industry Association Plastics have been saving the planet since before there was Earth Day, an annual event supporting environmental conservation….

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PLASTICS Releases Statement on Canadian Government Toxic Label

WASHINGTON – The Canadian government continued its push this week to label plastic a “toxic” material, publishing an order-in-council in the Canada Gazette Part II that opens the door for the creation of rules to officially ban certain types of plastic products. Tony Radoszewski, President and CEO…

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ICYMI: NEMO playing a critical role in plastic industry future

Originally published in Plastics Machinery Magazine The Plastics Industry Association’s NEMO projects tackle the logistical or technical challenges of plastics recycling. By Ron Shinn Trade associations have a high profile in Washington, D.C., where they court politicians and try to influence…

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PLASTICS Releases Statement on Biased Minderoo Report

WASHINGTON – The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS) today responded to a new report from the Minderoo Foundation: The Plastic Waste Makers Index. The Minderoo Foundation is funded in part by one of the world’s largest suppliers of iron ore. Common misconceptions perpetuated by biased studies…

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