PLASTICS President Urges Biden Administration to “Support Jobs, Economic Growth and Environmental Sustainability”

December 8, 2020

This week, in a letter to President-elect Joe Biden, PLASTICS President & CEO Tony Radoszewski pledged that the plastic industry will work with the new Administration to support jobs, economic growth and environmental sustainability, detailing bipartisan solutions in Congress for environmental clean-up, improved recycling infrastructure, and more.

Radoszewski also issued the following statement about a plan from non-governmental organizations to ban plastic materials and products, as well as to halt investment in new manufacturing facilities, among other efforts to eliminate the important U.S. industry:

“While we’re focused on working together toward bipartisan solutions, activists are determined to destroy an American industry that employs more than one million workers in the United States.

“The plan proposed by The Center for Biological Diversity and partner organizations is misguided and aims to eliminate all plastics without taking into consideration the many benefits that plastics provide. That’s shocking, as we are right now witnessing the vital role of plastics in combatting the pandemic. People around the world depend on plastic for fresh food, water, medicine, and other necessities anti-plastics crusaders take for granted.

“Modern infrastructure is the solution to all kinds of waste, not just plastic. Our industry is investing in new technologies to build better recycling infrastructure and working with leaders of both parties to develop workable solutions. Plastics were created for a reason and lifecycle analyses consistently show that, on the whole, plastics are more environmentally beneficial than alternative materials—and even more so when they are successfully recycled into new materials.”

About Plastics Industry Association

The Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), is the only organization that supports the entire plastics supply chain, representing over one million workers in the $432 billion U.S. industry. Since 1937, PLASTICS has been working to make its members and the industry more globally competitive while advancing recycling and sustainability. To learn more about PLASTICS’ education initiatives, industry-leading insights and events, networking opportunities and policy advocacy, and North America’s largest plastics trade show, NPE: The Plastics Show, visit Connect with PLASTICS on TwitterFacebookLinkedIn and Instagram.